

Path is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


(path any) → string

Base returns the last element of path. Trailing slashes are removed before extracting the last element. If the path is empty, Base returns “.”. If the path consists entirely of slashes, Base returns “/”. The input path is passed into filepath.ToSlash converting any Windows slashes to forward slashes.


(path any) → string

Clean replaces the separators used with standard slashes and then extraneous slashes are removed.


(path any) → string

Dir returns all but the last element of path, typically the path’s directory. After dropping the final element using Split, the path is Cleaned and trailing slashes are removed. If the path is empty, Dir returns “.”. If the path consists entirely of slashes followed by non-slash bytes, Dir returns a single slash. In any other case, the returned path does not end in a slash. The input path is passed into filepath.ToSlash converting any Windows slashes to forward slashes.


(path any) → string

Ext returns the file name extension used by path. The extension is the suffix beginning at the final dot in the final slash-separated element of path; it is empty if there is no dot. The input path is passed into filepath.ToSlash converting any Windows slashes to forward slashes.


(elements …any) → string

Join joins any number of path elements into a single path, adding a separating slash if necessary. All the input path elements are passed into filepath.ToSlash converting any Windows slashes to forward slashes. The result is Cleaned; in particular, all empty strings are ignored.


{{ slice "my/path" "filename.txt" | path.Join  }}
{{  path.Join "my" "path" "filename.txt" }}
{{ "my/path/filename.txt" | path.Ext  }}
{{ "my/path/filename.txt" | path.Base  }}
{{ "my/path/filename.txt" | path.Dir  }}


(path any) → DirFile

Split splits path immediately following the final slash, separating it into a directory and file name component. If there is no slash in path, Split returns an empty dir and file set to path. The input path is passed into filepath.ToSlash converting any Windows slashes to forward slashes. The returned values have the property that path = dir+file.


{{ "/my/path/filename.txt" | path.Split }}
{{ "/my/path/filename.txt" | path.Split }}